
Showing posts from May 30, 2015


I lost a lot interest of everything, unstable mood and hormone. A stage being stress; as said of motivator at kursus pra perkahwinan today. And one of the stress made when people keep talking about your figure but then you dont even care anymore. I dont care how fat i am. I just to eat. Cause im stress. And one of the stress made cause money. Yes. Yes. Money had a lot sperate us. A lot. Few month to weds and non money even i saved to help future life. Well well. Now i know what the dugaan it is in engagement. Its getting high, its getting hard otw to adult. I didnt have job. I dont have money. I quit my job cause i hate the people around and i dont know how to handle even more 1years and half experience doing that damn job. I dont know how to deal with people. And that make me a bad worker, before boss talking bad more and more about me, so i decided to quit even i dont have apply to anywhere. Silly me but i safe my heart being broke cause i dont know how to explore madness. Pendam i